The Weapons of Our Warfare Seminar
in Penparc, Wales



In April 2000, my husband, Carl and myself were very blessed to have been invited by Jerome Lucas, to Cornwall for the last weekend of the Weapons of Our Warfare seminar there. It was a wonderful experience for us and we knew that we wanted to take part in a class ourselves. The Lord worked greatly in Carl’s heart and he was inspired to host a seminar in Wales. After speaking to Tim to arrange the dates, we were blessed to find a wonderful location near Cardigan, West Wales, some holiday cottages in a beautiful setting in the Welsh countryside. Jerome had already said that he would like to come to the seminar and there were also a few others from London who were interested, so it was coming together really well.

During the weeks leading up to the class the names of the people attending changed, but for every person who was not coming there was always someone to fill their place. Just after we had heard that a student had dropped out we received an e-mail from our brother, Dimitris in Greece saying he would like to come along. He was really blessed to find out that there was a place available for him.

One of the students was involved in an accident just before the beginning of the class and was being detained in hospital. After someone else had stepped in to take his place in the cottage he was given the all clear to travel. He was very keen to come so arrangements were made for him to stay at a nearby Bed and Breakfast.

As we have three young children, Carl said he would take care of them while I attended the sessions. This was a great blessing to me and I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to be there. All of us attending the seminar were so blessed by the simplicity of the teaching from God’s wonderful Word. For many of us there was a lot of unlearning to do; I for one spent a lot of time crying, either to the Lord, or in front of the class when things fitted into place like never before. We all received so much deliverance when the scriptures were opened up to us and when we were ministered to. The Lord worked greatly in Tim’s heart to share many great things with us, not only from the Bible but also some personal experiences that helped us greatly.

Between sessions there were opportunities to spend time with our brothers and sisters in Christ. These times were also very healing as it allowed us to share things that were on our hearts and get rid of old baggage that was holding us back from serving God.

On the Saturday we held the baptism service. The Penparc Baptist Church had very kindly allowed us to use their outdoor baptistery. It was an unforgettable experience for all those who took part in the service as apart from the water being very cold, the baptistery itself looked like a tomb. The symbolism of being buried with Jesus Christ into his death was made so real. A couple of the students shared that although when they went into the water it felt cold, when they came out they felt a kind of warmth.

Saturday night was a time for the students to share what the week had meant to them. It was so clear to see that each and every person there was there because the Lord had worked in his or her heart. Each and every person had something to share about how he or she had come to be there and how they had been blessed. One student was delivered of back pain, another had a peaceful nights rest after Tim had prayed for her to sleep better, one student shared that he would be taking back a gift to his children - a new daddy! I personally was just so pleased to be able to get back to reading and enjoying the Bible without having to be a Greek or Hebrew scholar and to really see the simplicity of the operation of the Gifts of the Spirit - not just head knowledge but practical application. What a privilege to be able to bring deliverance to God’s people and glorify Him. Our God is so merciful and gracious.

On the last day, Sunday, we had a communion service and some of us had our children dedicated. It was a fitting end to what had been a great week.

Thank you so much Tim for having taught such a wonderful class and for running your race so that so many of us could receive such deliverance. I thank God for your life and stand for God and His Word, and for your family who support you so faithfully as you travel around the world to make these teachings available. Your ministry is an inspiration to all of us who have had the privilege to have heard you share God’s Word.

In Timothy the apostle Paul said “ I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith”. Those of us who have sat in the Weapons of Our Warfare Class at least have the opportunity of getting into the fight, of setting out on our course and endeavoring to keep the faith.


From the December 2000 edition of the Vine & Branches